What Do I Do If My Online Student Doesn’t Have Access to the Internet?
If the Internet Loss is Temporary
Go to a public institution that provides access to computers. Public libraries or community colleges often have open Internet access for the public. However, the Internet connection may be slow, and you may be limited in how much time you can use it.Go to a coffee shop. If your student has a laptop, connecting to free wifi at a coffee shop will give you a few days of free Internet. When using wifi that is open to the public, it may be beneficial to use a VPN anytime you log in to a secure account, like Ignitia.Go to a friend or family member’s house. Contact someone who knows your situation and is fine with your child spending the day working on schoolwork in their living room.Use data. If you have a hotspot, you can connect your student’s laptop to it to get Internet access.
If the Internet Loss is Long-Term
Arrange for the student to work with a friend or co-op. Until your Internet situation is resolved, it may be best to think of a solution that feels less like Internet-leaching and more mutually beneficial. If your student is working from a friend’s house, maybe your family can provide lunch, or you can move the school sessions to your place once the Internet is back up.Work from a relative’s house. If it may be a while until the Internet is back up, working from a family member’s home may seem less intrusive than a friend’s.A reminder. Do not leave your student unattended in any place, if you are unable to stay, ask a trusted adult to watch after your student.Enlightium Academy is a private Christian online school that serves homeschooling families by offering a Bible-based, flexible, accredited, teacher-supported, and affordable education from the comfort of your home. For any other questions about Enlightium, please call (509) 319-2288, or visit EnlightiumSchool.com.
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